Cells communicate with one another physically, chemically, emotionally, and energetically. The cycle of cellular regeneration is as ancient as cellular life itself.
What guides the regeneration cycles?
The cell nucleus contains instructions providing all the information
necessary to grow and live. The instructions or blueprints are carried
by DNA molecules and tell the cell what role it will play in the body.
Cellular regeneration is dependent on the quality of each raw building
block or nutrient. The nature of these raw tools affect the overall
building plan and are the foundations of wellness.
Healthy bodies possess amazing healing potential and hardly notice
the continual regeneration process.
However, insults or injuries may cause some cells to loose their ability to communicate and regenerate within healthy parameters. If poor regeneration or faulty instructions are common in this cycle the individual begins to experience a loss in vitality.
What guides the regeneration cycles?
The cell nucleus contains instructions providing all the information
necessary to grow and live. The instructions or blueprints are carried
by DNA molecules and tell the cell what role it will play in the body.
Cellular regeneration is dependent on the quality of each raw building
block or nutrient. The nature of these raw tools affect the overall
building plan and are the foundations of wellness.
Healthy bodies possess amazing healing potential and hardly notice
the continual regeneration process.
However, insults or injuries may cause some cells to loose their ability to communicate and regenerate within healthy parameters. If poor regeneration or faulty instructions are common in this cycle the individual begins to experience a loss in vitality.
Are you starting to ponder what blueprints and raw building blocks your cells are getting there information from? Do you wonder how robust your cells are? Do you know how to support your natural cellular regeneration processes and maximize results? There are four very simple yet powerful steps we can take to support the processes of healthful cellular regeneration.
At this point you may also be asking, “What benefits might occur in my own body and how long does it take?”
Benefits of the “Four Rs” frequently include more focused energy, mental clarity, better skin feel and tone, and lessening of unwanted symptoms. How long before you experience them? Many people report results in a few week to a few months. Refer back to the regeneration list for guidelines - the timetable is similar for people and animals.
The Four R’s are ancient and support the foundation of wellness. People and animals around the world require these same four health fundamentals to ensure cellular communication and regeneration.
At this point you may also be asking, “What benefits might occur in my own body and how long does it take?”
Benefits of the “Four Rs” frequently include more focused energy, mental clarity, better skin feel and tone, and lessening of unwanted symptoms. How long before you experience them? Many people report results in a few week to a few months. Refer back to the regeneration list for guidelines - the timetable is similar for people and animals.
The Four R’s are ancient and support the foundation of wellness. People and animals around the world require these same four health fundamentals to ensure cellular communication and regeneration.
Re-duce Toxic Insults
On a daily basis many of us eat overly processed foods, our dogs and cats eatpoor quality grain based kibbles, and our horses are limited to the same grains and forage day in and day out. These food choices can create a toxic
inner terrain as our bodies try to eliminate the non-digestible ingredients.
In the news each day we read that illness, disease and obesity are on the rise.Just recently we’ve experienced both people and pet food recalls. Is it possible we are eating ourselves into decline?
Maximizing the good food choices and supplementing with antioxidants are efficient steps toward supporting cellular regeneration and reducing toxic insults.A varied and healthful diet supplies macro-nutrients, micro-nutrients and trace minerals and can help to restore a robust inner terrain.
The benefits of reducing toxic insults holds true for our dogs, cats, horses, birds and reptiles too. Learning about species appropriate diets and offering a wide range of nutrients is healthful for our animal friends.
Regular exercise, allowing time for rest, relaxation, and striving for a positive mental attitude at all times assist
healthy cellular regeneration. How we care for ourselves and the world around us can have a positive impact on our amazing healing potential.
When the toxic load is decreased you’ll find your body has more vitality in all areas of your life.
On a daily basis many of us eat overly processed foods, our dogs and cats eatpoor quality grain based kibbles, and our horses are limited to the same grains and forage day in and day out. These food choices can create a toxic
inner terrain as our bodies try to eliminate the non-digestible ingredients.
In the news each day we read that illness, disease and obesity are on the rise.Just recently we’ve experienced both people and pet food recalls. Is it possible we are eating ourselves into decline?
Maximizing the good food choices and supplementing with antioxidants are efficient steps toward supporting cellular regeneration and reducing toxic insults.A varied and healthful diet supplies macro-nutrients, micro-nutrients and trace minerals and can help to restore a robust inner terrain.
The benefits of reducing toxic insults holds true for our dogs, cats, horses, birds and reptiles too. Learning about species appropriate diets and offering a wide range of nutrients is healthful for our animal friends.
Regular exercise, allowing time for rest, relaxation, and striving for a positive mental attitude at all times assist
healthy cellular regeneration. How we care for ourselves and the world around us can have a positive impact on our amazing healing potential.
When the toxic load is decreased you’ll find your body has more vitality in all areas of your life.
The simplest, most effective way to re-mineralize is by finding and using the world’s most mineral-dense whole foods.
Dr. Lynne August, MD, puts it this way:
“Yes, minerals are ‘natural’; however, a mineral is not organic until it has been incorporated into an organic matrix.
This organic matrix combines the mineral with carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. These complex matrices are made by microorganisms in the soil. “
Where do we find minerals “incorporated into an organic matrix?” The purest forms are found in wild-grown plants
and algae like our Aphanizomenon flos-aquae; next come organically grown fruits and vegetables then other produce, both fresh and frozen.
The simplest, most effective way to re-mineralize is by finding and using the world’s most mineral-dense whole foods.
Dr. Lynne August, MD, puts it this way:
“Yes, minerals are ‘natural’; however, a mineral is not organic until it has been incorporated into an organic matrix.
This organic matrix combines the mineral with carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. These complex matrices are made by microorganisms in the soil. “
Where do we find minerals “incorporated into an organic matrix?” The purest forms are found in wild-grown plants
and algae like our Aphanizomenon flos-aquae; next come organically grown fruits and vegetables then other produce, both fresh and frozen.
Re-Bacterialize Friendly bacteria, probiotics, and friendly flora all mean the same thing. They refer to the large array of microorganisms that are naturally found in healthy intestines and are absolutely crucial to our well-being. The different types of probiotics in the gut number in the hundreds, but the main ones go by names like Acidophilus, Bifidus, Bulgaricus, and Salivarius.
Healthy probiotic colonies are believed to support intestinal wellness by making the environment hostile for an overgrowth of undesired organisms like E. coli, Salmonella and possibly parasites. Some strains may also
be helpful reducing serum cholesterol levels and supporting immune function.
Healthy probiotic colonies are believed to support intestinal wellness by making the environment hostile for an overgrowth of undesired organisms like E. coli, Salmonella and possibly parasites. Some strains may also
be helpful reducing serum cholesterol levels and supporting immune function.
Enzymes are the spark of life—they run your entire body. You cannot digest or absorb food without them. Your heart
will not beat, your lungs won’t breathe, and your muscles won’t move, unless enzymes are present. They are catalysts that, when joined with vitamins and minerals, allow the body to operate.
Processing and cooking destroys nearly all of the vital enzymes naturally present in food. Digestive enzymes
break down fats, carbohydrates and fiber so the body can absorb the nutrients required to build cells, tissues, and organs while supporting many other vital functions.
A proprietary formula containing a wide range of enzymes with high activitylevels for optimum digestion: lipase to
break down fat, protease to break down protein, cellulase to assist in the breakdown of fiber, and amylase to break
down starch.
Each body is unique and the timing and quality of regeneration will depend on each individuals situation. Regeneration on the inside may take longer to appreciate but the benefits of cellular regeneration on the outside will be apparent in your skin tone, quality and feel.
Enzymes are the spark of life—they run your entire body. You cannot digest or absorb food without them. Your heart
will not beat, your lungs won’t breathe, and your muscles won’t move, unless enzymes are present. They are catalysts that, when joined with vitamins and minerals, allow the body to operate.
Processing and cooking destroys nearly all of the vital enzymes naturally present in food. Digestive enzymes
break down fats, carbohydrates and fiber so the body can absorb the nutrients required to build cells, tissues, and organs while supporting many other vital functions.
A proprietary formula containing a wide range of enzymes with high activitylevels for optimum digestion: lipase to
break down fat, protease to break down protein, cellulase to assist in the breakdown of fiber, and amylase to break
down starch.
Each body is unique and the timing and quality of regeneration will depend on each individuals situation. Regeneration on the inside may take longer to appreciate but the benefits of cellular regeneration on the outside will be apparent in your skin tone, quality and feel.
Your DNA plus the Four Rs hold the key -
for recommendations to start building a whole new YOU!
contact Charlotte
for recommendations to start building a whole new YOU!
contact Charlotte